Frequently asked questions

We provide you some of the most frequently asked questions about international shipping from China. For any question related to freight forwarding, feel free to contact our customer service and get free support.

What is the cost of transportation from China to any other nation?

Cost of transportation from China to any other nation depends on the mode of transportation you choose. Air freight may take 3 to 5 days that can be more expensive in comparison to sea freight – but it may take more time. Standard price is provided after calculating your requirement and mode of transportation.

Can You Tell Me the Time Taken for Shipment to Get to Its Destination?

Air freight shipment takes around 3 to 5 days; while sea freight shipment may take approx 30 days. These transit times are not assured and may vary from destination to destination. Please provide details of your destination.

Could You Gather to Send the Goods that I have bought from different cities around China?

Yes, we can collect and deliver your goods from different cities around China. You have to provide the contact information of each merchant and the detailed information of your products and goods you have purchased. Don’t forget to provide us the details of mode of transportation you choose.

Can you recommend me the most affordable mode of transportation?

We’d like to give suggestions to choose the most cost-effective mode of transportation. If cargo is a big enough or in large scale and time is out of your consideration, sea freight is the best and economical choice. Air transportation is also ideal, but a bit costly (if time is into your consideration). For small packages, you can choose international express – that is more convenient and affordable. For any information, give us a call or send a mail.

What Kind of Information Required Providing You to Book My Shipment?

We need detailed information about your cargo or package along with your full address and preferred mode of transportation. You are requested to provide us as much information as possible so that we can book in the most suitable dates and prepare documentation for your shipment.